Friday, October 17, 2008

Surgery, Snow, Strep, & lets not forget Antelope

So once again I have fallen behind . . . I have so much to share. Where do I begin??

How about Shawn's knee. Well to start off they moved the surgery from the 9th to the 13th. I used one of my vacation days at work so I could be by my sweethearts side. On Monday the 13th we had to be at the hospital at 8:00 a.m. and surgery was suppose to be at 9:00. However, a friend of ours had mentioned to Shawn that he thought it was okay to have something to drink before surgery. So Shawn awoke that morning around 5 and had about 1/2 cup of coffee. Well when the nurse asked if Shawn had drank or ate anything since midnight Shawn replied yes. By the look on the nurses face you knew that wasn't the right answer. The nurse decided to confer with the doctor on what he would like to do next.
Good news is he was still willing to do the surgery that day the bad news was we had to wait around until 11:30 for the surgery. What was nice was the little room that we were able to wait in. It had a recliner chair for Shawn an uncomfortable chair for me and a little flat screen t.v. , plus all the other things a recovery room would have. So there we sat Shawn in his hospital gown, the hair on his knee shaved, and me in my uncomfortable chair watching the History channel of all channels. When it was closer to time for surgery the nurse started an IV which I would have to say is one of Shawn's least favorite part of the day since he absolutely hates needles.
Right around 11:30 the rolled out a gurney for Shawn to lay on. The anesthesiologist gave Shawn something to relax. Then Shawn says they got to the operating room and gave him the medicine to knock him out and he said it happened fast. A half an hour later he was done. The doctor came to inform me all went well and that Shawn had torn his meniscus. Finally an answer to what was wrong and now fixed.

Shawn was rather loopy coming to-- he was asking me the same questions over and over and telling us the same things over and over. I tried not to laugh at him, but it made me giggle. Plus he was having a hard time focusing on me. His eyes would go all funny and he would say "I am seeing two of you baby".
Shawn is on the road to recovery. He goes to physical therapy 3 times a week and that started quick. His first session was on Wednesday. If all goes well Shawn should be able to return to work in a month or so. Meanwhile he can't wait until he can take a long hot shower or bath. He still has a couple of days until he can get the operated area wet, and the sponge like baths are just not cutting it. I am thankful that the surgery went well without any complications. Love ya babe

Snow!! Snow!! . . .

Yes we had our first major snow fall in October, October 11th to be exact. Last Saturday the snow fell all day long. We ended up with about 8 inches, just a sign of what is to come. Don't get me wrong to an extent I like the snow, especially around Christmas time. However, what I don't like is driving on bad roads, which for me there is no way around it. I drive approximately 110 miles a day round trip to go to work. Shawn is excited to see the snow because it brings the animals down and usually makes for good hunting. By the way for the most part hunting is all that Shawn wants to do. Most of what has fallen has now melted, but without question more snow is bound to come. The big question now is when does it fall and stay for the long haul??

Last weekend was our weekend to have the kids, but Clayton had strep and Mekenna wasn't feeling well either. Since we did not want to chance Shawn getting sick and chance the long awaited surgery getting canceled we decided to switch weekends. We get the kids this weekend, which is good because we are missing them something fierce. However, our big event this weekend is Clayton's Grid Kid Football championship game. His team is still undefeated!!! We will let you know if it remains that way. It is a great little feat that they have achieved. We are proud and Shawn jokingly said that Clayton will brag about this when he is an old man. He then pretended to be Clayton as an old man using his best old man's voice and said "back when I was in 5th grade my football team set a record for an undefeated season and the first in the schools history". Anyways you would have to be there, but it sure made me laugh.

Finally, lets not forget the antelope. The first weekend in October seemed like one of the only times that Shawn would be able to go hunting for his antelope. Plus Ray(our friend and Shawn's boss) wanted to go and get his antelope. So we packed up our cute, little, old camper and headed to area 89 which is by Big Piney. We left Saturday afternoon and by Sunday afternoon we had 4 antelope in the back of the truck. Shawn & Ray each had two tags. It was a quick hunt, but successful. My only complaint was I did not feel well and had come down with a cold of some sort and the cold had intensified by Saturday night. However, it was an adventure with good company!! Shawn had the antelope made into jerky. He picked up the jerky today and we ended up with 22 bags of it. And that is a good thing because we all love the jerky especially Oscar.

1 comment:

Bridgette said...

Hi Mandi! It was great to hear from you. Seeing the picture of the mountain dusted with snow made me miss home. We moved to Texas for the summer to sell pest control and decided to stay. Teachers are paid a lot more here than in Idaho and Utah. We really like it here. The only thing I miss is seeing family and friends. It is warm, the pay is good, and the people are really nice. Thanks for staying in touch!