Friday, October 17, 2008

I love visiting family

My little brother Cody left for boot camp on Monday. On Sunday we went to my Dad and Step-mom's house in Idaho Falls for a little farewell party. What I loved best about it is seeing my family. Most of my siblings were there and a bunch of my nieces and nephews. I finally was able to meet my niece Finley who was born July 17th. I know nothing like waiting so long, but we were in California when she was born. She is also the niece who gave us a big scare and had to spend two weeks at Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake City. We are all blessed that she is a fighter. It is amazing how fast all the nieces and nephews grow up. I greatly enjoyed seeing and visiting everyone. We wish the best of luck to you Cody.

Chandler(niece), Chase(nephew), & Gabe(nephew)



Grandma Magnusson & Adalynn(niece)


Chris(brother) & Dad(John)

Jackson(brother-in-law), Grandpa Magnusson, Hanna(sister-in-law), & Finley

Sheila(sister), LauraLee(sister) & Adalynn


B and E said...

Wow! It sounds like you guys are way busy. I hope Shawn's knee gets better quickly!

Sheila Fish said...

Cute Cute pictures!! Thanks for sharing them!! It was so good to see you guys!